Children of Men

United States, United Kingdom, Japan, 2006, 109 min

Director: Alfonso Cuarón

Screenplay: Alfonso Cuarón, Timothy J. Sexton, David Arata, Mark Fergus, Hawk Ostby

Cinematography: Emmanuel Lubezki

Cast: Clive Owen, Julianne Moore, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Caine

Producers: Marc Abraham, Eric Newman, Hilary Shor, Iain Smith, Tony Smith

The year is 2027 and the human race has inexplicably become sterile. No child has been born in over eighteen years and humanity faces extinction. A disillusioned bureaucrat Theo (Clive Owen) becomes the unlikely champion in the fight for the survival of Earth's population. He must face down his own demons and protect the planet's last remaining hope from danger.