
Poland, Denmark, 2013, 80 min

Director: Paweł Pawlikowski

Screenplay: Paweł Pawlikowski, Rebecca Lenkiewicz

Cinematography: Łukasz Żal, Ryszard Lenczewski

Cast: Agata Kulesza, Agata Trzebuchowska, Dawid Ogrodnik

Producers: Eric Abraham, Piotr Dzieciol, Ewa Puszczynska

Poland 1962. Anna (Agata Trzebuchowska) is a beautiful eighteen-year-old woman, preparing to become a nun at the convent where she has lived since orphaned as a child. She learns she has a living aunt she must visit before taking her vows. Her mother’s sister Wanda (Agata Kulesza) tells Anna that she is Jewish, and that her real name is Ida. This revelation sets Anna, now Ida, on a journey to uncover her roots and confront the truth about her family. Ida has to choose between her birth identity and the religion that saved her from the massacres of the Nazi occupation of Poland. Wanda must confront decisions she made during the war when she chose loyalty to the cause before family.