Cristi Puiu

Director and Writer

Cristi Puiu is a writer and director known for the award-winning films “The Death of Mr. Lazarescu” (Festival de Cannes 2005), “Aurora” (Festival de Cannes 2010), “Stuff & Dough” (Quinzaine 2001), “Sieranevada” (Festival de Cannes 2016) and “Malmkrog” (Berlinale 2020). His short film “Coffee and Cigarettes” was awarded the Golden Bear at the 2004 Berlinale. He is considered the initiator of the Romanian New Wave and one of the most significant filmmakers today.

Cristi Puiu studied visual arts and cinema at ESAV Geneva.

He is currently working on his 6th feature film, which is based on the 2020 pandemic-related stories. It will be produced by his own company Mandragora.