Michael Seresin


Michael Seresin was born and raised in New Zealand. After studies at Victoria University, he commenced working with a small local film company, Pacific Films in Wellington, New Zealand. It was his introduction to the film-making rather than film watching world. Seresin was a voracious film watcher, especially European films of the Neo Realismo and Nouvelle Vague era along with Eastern European films, including Russian, part of his heritage. After four years with Pacific Film, Seresin went to Rome where his introduction to the Italian film world was relatively breathtaking…life, too.

One year later Seresin came to London. After an introduction via TV commercials, in those days a very good learning ground for cinematography, he started shooting films. Over the decades Seresin worked with various directors from Alan Parker, Harold Becker, Alfonso Cuaron, Matt Reeves amongst others.

Seresin’s work as a cinematographer includes films like BUGSY MALONE (1976), MIDNIGHT EXPRESS (1978), FAME (1980), SHOOT THE MOON (1982), BIRDY (1984), ANGEL HEART (1987), CITY HALL (1996), THE LIFE OF DAVID GALE (2003), HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN (2004), DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES (2014), and WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES (2017).

As a film director, Seresin directed HOMEBOY (1988), starring and written by Mickey Rourke.

„I'm drawn to the darker side of cinematography, perhaps instilled subconsciously, when as a ten year old school-kid I watched The Third Man, a powerful and stunning story and powerful cinematography.“  Michael Seresin